
curiosity on demand

There is an irony to the white-collar worker that advocates fiercely for a Paleo diet, because the relationship between corporate employees and freelance artists echoes the relationship between agricultural and hunter-gatherer communities.

For linguistic simplicity, let's condense our subjects across timelines into freelance-hunters and agro-employees.

Freelance-hunters follow abundance. Life as a freelance-hunter allows for, and often requires, regular movement to new fertile spaces. Agro-employees tend to root to one place for as long as possible.

Freelance-hunters tend to share resources within their community: food, tools, technique, knowledge. Agro-employees protect resources via private property, trade-secrets, and patents.

Gifts and favors animate freelance-hunter economies, while salaries and taxes form the basis of agro-employee economies.

Gender equality is prevalent in freelance-hunter communities (though not a requirement). In agro-employee cultures, patriarchy prevails.

In freelance-hunter communities, reputation within the group is vital; reputation outside the group is not relevant. In agro-employee societies, the opposite is true.

Finally, it is curious to observe that the popularity of eating like a hunter-gatherer has reignited in parallel with the freelance economy. Call it the freelance artisanal revolution.